The author’s thesis “Crisis of Modern Islam” is taken in new directions in this book. He provides a critique of Islam as a cultural system, arguing that cultural patterns within Islam – especially in the areas of law, language and education – retard its capacity to accommodate rapid social change. Exploring the links between culture and religion, Tibi perceives the resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism as a defensive cultural response to structural changes in the global political and economic order. He contends that before Islamic countries can participate on an equal footing with Western industrialized countries, Islam must be de-politicized and must accept the concepts of intellectual pluralism and secularism.
- Aufsätze (51)
- Interviews (24)
- TV-Sendungen (7)
- Veröffentlichungen (63)
- Vorträge (13)
Neueste Beiträge
- Artikel von Bassam Tibi im NZZ-Feuilleton vom 4. Oktober 2021: über den gescheiterten Westen in Afghanistan 10. Oktober 2021
- Wichtigster Buchbeitrag von B. Tibi seit der Emeritierung 2009 über die Ideologie des politischen Islam im Buch “Die Rückkehr der Ideologie”, Campus-Verlag 2021 16. März 2021
- Das älteste britischen Magazin THE SPECTATOR widmet “Bassam Tibi’s 40-year fight against Islamic fundamentalism” einen würdigenden Artikel 23. September 2020